Recommendations Friday Five

1. Recommend a favorite worship resource or devotional book.  I would recommend anything by Henri Nouwen!

2. Recommend a blog that you like to read that you think others might find enjoyable. Boy there are so many of my friends who love to blog so I think you should read any of my friends blogs! Some blog more than others but they are all worth the read!
3. Recommend a fiction book that you think people might like. Im reading the Hunger Games series….and am loving it!!

4. Recommend a favorite recipe website. O.k., if you aren’t into cooking or food, then just recommend a random website that you find useful, hilarious, mind numbing or thought provoking. Ive really been digging the Pillsbury website. I love this recipe. I made it earlier this week!

5. And for the last recommendation–it’s bloggers’ choice! Make a recommendation for anything! Hmmm….this one is hard! The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother….etc! Matthew West…Chris Tomlin….Jars of Clay…so many of my fave Christian artists!

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