More Goodness

I am linking up for Five Minute Friday. The FMF is hosted by Kate Motaung on her blog Heading Home. Today’s prompt is “more.” I love spending time with this crew, but missed being with them last night as I was moderating the #slatespeak conversation. I love the communities I have found online; both FMF and SlateSpeak love me for who God created to be and I always feel like I belong there.

Sometimes the world can seem dark and lonely or that it is full of so much hatred and war. I find myself looking to find more of the good stuff. So here is a poem that formed in my heart, soul and mind last night and into today.

By Tara L. Ulrich

More love
Less hate

More beauty
Less ugliness

More peace
Less war

More flowers blooming
More laughter

More joy
Less sorrow

More time with friends
who always show you that you belong.

More words that give  life
and don’t tear down

More words that embody the gospel
“to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly”

More hope
More peace

More light
No darkness

More sunsets and sunrises
A constant reminder of God’s goodness

More of hearing and knowing each other’s stories
For our hearts are more entertwined than we could ever imagine.

More little ones who are carefree
and remind us that God calls us to trust.

More of the goodness of the world
Found in the gift
Of love, laughter, tears and friendship


36 thoughts on “More Goodness

  1. One thing I’ve been reminded of through the recent events in our life is that while it’s not pleasant, God can take what seems to be terrible and make beautiful things of it. Sadly sometimes the ugly is necessary.

    “More of hearing and knowing each other’s stories
    For our hearts are more entertwined than we could ever imagine.”

    This line especially. When we know each other’s stories it helps us to be more compassionate toward each other.

    BTW, I just noticed your new picture in the line up, beautiful!

  2. I love your post,especially the part about our lives being so intertwined. That is what is so nice about Five Minute Friday: being able to share our stories with one another and feel less alone and more connected. Thanks for doing just that. And thanks for visiting “my place” last night – I appreciate it! Enjoy your weekend – Jeannie

  3. A lovely poem, Tara! it beautifully expresses how receiving more of the best can mean having less of those things which are not so helpful for us, especially in excess. Thank you for your thoughtful contribution on this prompt. Well done, friend! 🙂 xo

  4. What a beautiful poem, Tara. As others have said, I loved how you shared how our hearts are entwined. I also loved this: “More little ones who are carefree
    and remind us that God calls us to trust.”

    Oh, that I can come to trust God like a child trusts. God is ever trustworthy.

  5. The very first sermon I shared was on Micah 6 : 8 “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” I try and live by those words and I often think back to over 25 years ago to that first sermon… “have I done that well with the life I live?” I hope to… may we always grow to love Him more.
    Thanks for these words! (Also… love your new avatar pic) 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  6. What a great list of ‘mores’ ! I too “find myself looking to find more of the good stuff.” Your lines “More little ones who are carefree / and remind us that God calls us to trust” rang in my heart and I thought of the delightfulness of my grandkids. Bless you! I’m #70 at #FMF.

  7. Tara, as others have said, this is so good. Those are the things we really need more of in this world. Thanks for sharing your heart!


  8. This could totally be a song. Send it to your favorite music artists via Twitter!
    It reminds me of Turn Turn Turn…there is a season…turn turn turn…by The Byrds.
    Have a lovely week “on the prairie” roads friend. Meanwhile we’ll be driving fast in FL, but I will try to slow my car and life down whenever possible or remembered.
    FMF friend…with love,
    Jenn Cook

  9. Beautiful, my friend! We want more of the same things! (I might have irrerevently thrown in ‘more dark chocolate/fewer calories’ on that list–but I digress 😉 ).

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