
In theater, music, and many forms of art, an interlude often occurs in the midst of the performance. An interlude, according to the Merriam Webster dictionary, is often defined as “a usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment; an intervening or interruptive period, space or event; or a musical composition inserted between the parts of a large composition, a drama, or a religious service.”

Life often comes with its own interludes too–times of transition, change, and waiting. We try to do everything in our power to stop the change (or to clear the fog as I wrote about yesterday). It is during these times of change that it seems impossible to find God. We find ourselves searching and waiting for God to show Godself to us.

It could be so easy to let the change paralyze us. In fact, in my own times of waiting, especially this past summer, there were times I found myself feeling paralyzed. I didn’t think I could take the next step. Yet when I let the interlude crescendo to the next awesome thing, I was able to trust and listen to the moving of the Holy Spirit in my own life.

The truth is that often beauty arises from the ashes of the awful things in our lives. It is almost impossible to see that beauty in the midst of the pain. But the interludes of our lives have this way of moving to a new wholeness. God has this way of taken the broken and making it whole again. Whole again—-but just a little bit more fragile than we were before.

In all actuality, sometimes we need to be broken down in order that we might be made whole again. And when we are made whole, the cracks show our brokenness embodying the Japanese art form of Kintsugi. Our cracks show God’s love and in the words of Leonard Cohen, “It’s where the light gets in.”

(This post was based off of my last sermon at my last call. You can read that sermon here: Interludes Sermon

Today I am linking up with Kelly and the Ra Ra linkup and Jennifer and Tell His Story!


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12 thoughts on “Interludes

  1. Yes! I love that you said it’s impossible to see the beauty in the midst of the pain. Sometimes I look so hard for the lesson, I don’t let myself feel the pain. It’s ok to look back and see beauty, but it’s ok to recognize the pain. Thank you for this permission.

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