Holy Invitations

I am linking up for the Five Minute Friday. This is also Day 13 of the Write 31 Days challenge. The FMF is hosted by Kate Motaung over at our Five Minute Friday website. Today’s word prompt is “invite.” We would love to have you join us.

A Holy Invitation
By Tara L Ulrich

The hands and feet of Jesus
Friends who sit with you
In the hard
And lift prayers on
Your behalf.

Giving voice
When you cannot
Find the words

A holy invitation
A reminder that
We are not alone

Holy invitations
That make us whole again.

During my times of living in liminal space, I’m thankful for the invites from friends who knew just what I needed. It might have been giving me their shoulder to cry on or a couple of bottles of my favorite wine. Or it was an ear to listen as I sorted through the uncertainty.

There was the day this summer that my friend EG and I sat in a paddleboat and took in the holiness of God’s creation on the beautiful prairies of North Dakota. This is just one invitation of a holy invitation; a holy invitation commissioned by God.

So when others are hurting, living in liminal space, or experiencing jagged grace, may we remember to invite them to sit; offering words when they cannot find them for themselves. It is in these holy invites that we know that we are never alone. That God will bring peace, healing and wholeness to those who are weary.

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, And I will give you rest!”-Matthew 11:28

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40 thoughts on “Holy Invitations

  1. Wow, This really hit home with me today. I especially found this line as a whisper from the Holy Spirit into my heart, “experiencing jagged grace, may we remember to invite them to sit; offering words when they cannot find them for themselves”

    Thank you for praying for us even when you don’t realize you are doing so.

  2. Such a good reminder as someone who downsized when we moved to California. You can still open your doors. I probably open my doors with less space than i ever did in Ohio. I’m a work in progress.

  3. We are really being God’s hands and feet when we issue these invitations to others, aren’t we? It’s a holy commission, as you say. I have been the inviter and the invitee at times and it is a blessed experience.

  4. It’s so important that we learn how to just be with people. Not trying to fix them, not thinking of the next thing to say as they are talking. Just be with them, in their struggle, responding as the Spirit leads. Good stuff, my friend.

  5. Tara,
    wow, a poem AND writing on top of the poem. Double blessing!
    I love your invitation, as it reaches out through the computer and grabs my heart and says “You are welcome”. My soul is warmed at your words this week.
    Much love, dear sister!
    (#79 this week)

  6. I get this! I’ve known quite a few friends like that in a very challenging year… so grateful for those holy invitations, whether it’s someone dropping off a pizza or thoughtfully crafted words on the Internet.

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