Creating and Using Our Gifts

Hammering away, board by board

Noah constructs the Ark God commanded him to build
Then Noah and his family and two of every animal 
Enter the ark where they stay to be saved from the flood.
The ark is one of the many stories of creating in the Bible. Noah creates and builds the ark. After the flood, a rainbow is placed in the sky; a creative reminder and promise to us all. Bezalel constructed and created the tabernacle of God. God creates the world and then rests on the Sabbath. Where else do you see God creating in the Bible? 
Like these individuals, God gives each and every one of us skills and abilities to use in this world too. God gave Solomon wisdom.  God gave you specific gifts. God gave me gifts too. I am an encourager. I am a poet and a writer. My frend BD is a musician. My friend KK is a photographer that captures the most amazing photos. Do we use our gifts in this world? Or are we afraid to use them? Do we hide them away only to be seen by our own eyes?
I think the truth is that God calls us to use our gifts because in sharing our gifts, we make the Word made flesh by honoring the gifts God has bestowed on each of us. By using my words, not only do I honor that gift, but I also honor the story of who I am; Tara; child of God; beloved, broken and blessed. And as a beloved, broken, blessed child of God, God wants me to use the gifts God has given me. God wants you to use the gifts you have been given too.
In utilizing our gifts, this world is a much more beautiful place as we embody the Word made flesh through our art; through our poetry; through our photographs; through our words and anyway God calls us to use our gifts in this world.

8 thoughts on “Creating and Using Our Gifts

  1. I love how God has given each of us different gifts and the ability to create whether that's through writing, art, music or some other way, and that we can honour him by using the gifts he's given.

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