Sunday Blessings; Birthday Edition (or 9th Edition)

(1) Dinner with some of my “cheerleaders”–They showed up with a balloon and a present.

(2) Dessert at Cherry Berry with two dear friends

(3) Lunch with my colleagues from DLC… And getting my birthday meal free!

(4) Coffee with a dear friend

(5) One of the sweetest couples at DLC bringing me a birthday card and cake.

(6) Being sung to a couple of times with a couple of renditions today

(7) FaceBook. I normally wouldn’t say FB but I love it on my bday. It absolutely makes a girl feel incredibly loved.

(8) Supper with good friends and getting a $10 Birthday card

(9) Curves—Proud of myself for working out on my bday

(10) More fresh tomatoes from my neighbor and her garden

(11) Another Birthday lunch at one of my fave Chinese places with a good friend

(12) Great start to 7th Grade Confirmation

(13) My mama calling to wish me Happy Birthday. She was singing on the phone. 🙂 Also an early am text from my sis.

(14) A half hour phone conversation with one of my fave people

(15) Finally finding time to go to the Farmers Market—fresh veggies=awesome stir fry

(16) A beautiful rain shower that was very much needed!

(17) Great Rally Sunday, Blessing of the Backpacks, and Teacher blessing!

And so much more! What have been the blessings in your life this week? This month?

And if you are the praying type, prayers for me as I get my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. I’m sure it will be fine but I would appreciate the prayers!

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