Singing Friday Five

1) Do you like to sing/listen to others sing? In worship, or on your own (or not at all?)I love to listen to others sing. In worship, I refuse to sing the liturgy because I am a horrible singer. Singing is definetely not one of my gifts. I would rather listen to those who have it as a gift!

2) Did you grow up with music in worship, or come to it later in life? Tell us about it, and how that has changed in your experience. I grew up with music in worship. We had a very active adult and children’s choir. When I was little, I was in the children’s choir.

3) Some people find worship incomplete without music; others would just as soon not have it. Where do you fall? I think it is music with or without music!

4) Do you prefer traditional music in worship, or contemporary? That can mean many different things! I like a little of both!

5) What’s your go-to music … when you need solace or want to express joy? A video/recording will garner bonus points! For me, it is some of my favorite Christian music. I love Jars of Clay Love Song for a Savior. A new song that will always have meaning for me is seminarian Ben Larson’s version of Psalm 30. It was the song I listened to with other WTSers when we found out that Ben was gone.

Check it out here!

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